We had such a fun Easter. The Easter bunny even came to our house this year! I was super surprised! I went down stairs to get breakfast ready and I found a little note from the Easter bunny.
We love having two of our brothers here in Arizona with us. It makes the Holidays a lot easier. And we LOVE our nieces and nephews! So this year for Easter Kurt and Liz had us all over for dinner at there house. It was Kurt's family, my brother and his family, and then Scott's cousin and his family came up from Tucson. It was a really nice Easter. Its kinda nice not having to go back and forth between the Jensen dinner and the Andrewsen dinner. We can just be with everyone at the same time. Our assignment for dinner was dessert. So we took the best sugar cookies in the world. (Thanks for the recipe Melissa!) We had lots and lots of cookies.
This year we went to the Easter Pageant with Kurt and Liz and their kids. This was a first for Kurt and Liz's family. We really enjoyed it. Scott had Abby almost the whole time and I had Christian next me. Through out the entire show Christian was asking, "Is that real?" "Are those kids real?" "Is that fire real?" "Is that really Jesus?" It was pretty cute. And stinking cute Abby, was so cute when she saw Jesus. She was waving at him and was upset when he didn't wave back. Then she was heart broken when Jesus died. Scott tried to tell her that he was alive, but she was too sad to listen. It was too cute! We were glad to help Kurt and Liz out so that they could come and enjoy.